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9 products

Sponsor a ChildSponsor a Child
Sponsor a Child Sale price$500.00
Sponsor a Secondary StudentSponsor a Secondary Student
School SuppliesSchool Supplies
School Supplies Sale priceFrom $14.00
Donate in memory of Michael HolidayDonate in memory of Michael Holiday
Monthly DonationsMonthly Donations
Monthly Donations Sale price$10.00
One-time DonationOne-time Donation
One-time Donation Sale priceFrom $10.00
Giving Tuesday DonationGiving Tuesday Donation
Giving Tuesday Donation Sale priceFrom $25.00
Sponsor a Teacher's SalarySponsor a Teacher's Salary
Sponsor a Teacher's Salary Sale price$2,800.00
One Time Donation - Emergency Relief (2025 Goma Crisis)One Time Donation - Emergency Relief (2025 Goma Crisis)