Sponsor a Child
We have 560 children who need yearly sponsors. The youngest and most vulnerable children live in the Tchukudu Kids Home. While the other children live in Welcome Families (foster families), with single parents, or with extended family. All 560+ children receive free education at the Jonathan Holiday School.
Your sponsorship will cover, as needed, their food, shelter, education, and medical expenses for one year. We couldn't do what we do without our sponsors!
With each sponsorship, you will be given a child's name. This is a child who will be directly impacted by your sponsorship. However, please note that all donations are spread amongst all the children equally to ensure they are all included and cared for.
- Choose your donation type:
- Annual payment of $500 or
- Monthly payments of $50/month ($600 total)
- We do a happy dance! (and you can too!)
- We will follow up with information about your child within 7-10 business days
- Emails will be sent out with information and updates from The Tchukudu Kids Home as we receive them.
- Personal Donations made through this site are not eligible for a tax receipt. If you require a tax receipt you can donate through Canada Africa Community Health Alliance (CACHA) If you go through CACHA, please send us an email to let us know you have made this donation!
- Corporate donations made through this site are deductible per your corporate guidelines/accountant